Kindergarten » Registration Information

Registration Information

Welcome to Prairie Valley School Division! We look forward to meeting you and your child/children!
Students are registered at the school in their attendance area. If you are unsure which attendance area you live in, please click on our School Locator.

Applying for Prekindergarten

Prekindergarten programs for three and four-year-olds are offered in Balcarres, Broadview, Fort Qu'Appelle, Grenfell, Indian Head, Kelliher, Lipton, Lumsden, Pilot Butte, Kipling and Whitewood.
Selection criteria and policy guidelines, developed by the Ministry of Education, are followed to ensure children and families with the greatest needs are served first.  Applications for Prekindergarten can be completed online or printed and mailed directly to the school that you would like to apply to.
Click here for full details on Prairie Valley School Division's Prekindergarten program. Click here for a one-page program outline. 

Registering for Kindergarten

Children who are five years of age as of December 31, 2025 can register for the 2025-2026 school year.
Register your child/children by completing one of the following options:
  • Complete the online registration form here.
  • Print PDF registration form– to scan and email or bring to the school in your area. Locate schools here
For more details on Prairie Valley's Kindergarten program, click here. Click below for a one-page fact sheet on the Kindergarten program.

Registering for all other grades

Students can register at any time during the school year (September to June). When you enroll your child/children, you must provide the school principal with documentation that verifies their age.
Register your child/children by completing one of the following options:
  • Complete the online registration form here.

  • Print the PDF registration form below – then fill it out and email a scanned version of it to the school, or
  • Complete this fillable MS Word version of the form below– then save it and email it to the school
 If you are unsure which school to attend, please click on our School Locator.

Exchange/International Student Registration Information

Prairie Valley School Division provides programs and services for exchange and international students. For more information, visit AP-3000 Student Admissions.