Administrative Procedures
AP Category : 1000-General Administration
- AP-1000 - Strategic Plan
- AP-1005 - Business Continuity Plan (updated Oct/24)
- AP-1010 - Annual Report and Other Formal Reports
- AP-1020 - School-Based Learning Improvement Plans (template updated Oct/24)
- AP-1100 - Implementation and Maintenance of Policy and Administrative Procedures
- AP-1110 - Review of Administrative Procedures
- AP-1130 - Anti-Racism and Response to Racism and Respect for Human Diversity
- AP-1200 - School Year
- AP-1210 - Attendance Areas
- APA-1210.1 - School Attendance Area Maps
- APF-1210.1 - PVSD Resident-Out of Attendance Area School Request Application
- APF-1210.2 - Non PVSD Resident-School Attendance Request Application (Fillable PDF)
- AP-1215 - Land Transfer (Boundary Change) Requests
- AP-1220 - SIS Start of School Year Procedures
- AP-1230 - SIS End of School Year Procedures
- AP-1300 - Information Technology Acceptable Use
- APA-1300.1 - Acceptable and Incidental Uses of Information Technology
- APA-1300.2 - Unacceptable Uses of Information Technology
- APA-1300.3 - Consequences for Non-Compliance of Information Technology
- APF-1300.1 - Student Acceptable Use Agreement (Fillable)
- APF-1300.2 - Employee Acceptable Use Agreement (Fillable)
- AP-1301 - Information Technology Security
- AP-1302 - Student Personal Electronic Devices
- APF 1302.1 - Request for Personal Electronic Device Exemption
- AP-1303 - Telephones, Cellular and SmartPhone Devices
- APA-1303.1 - Voice and Data Cellular Plans and Add-Ons
- APA-1303.2 - Cell Phone Guidelines
- AP-1304 - Software Acquisition
- APA-1304.1 - Software Acquisition Glossary of Terms
- APF-1304.2 - Software, Subscription and iPad App Request Form (updated Oct/24)
- AP-1310 - Video Surveillance
- AP-1400 - Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- APF-1400.1 - Parent Guardian Permission for Use of Student Work (Fillable PDF)
- APF-1400.2 - PVSD Employee Information and Photograph Release (Fillable PDF)
- APF-1400.3 - School Community Council Member Information and Photograph Release (Fillable PDF)
- AP-1410 - Confidentiality
- APF-1410.1 - Acknowledgement of Review of Administrative Procedure (Fillable)
- AP-1420 - Retention and Destruction of Inactive Records
- APF-1420.1 - Retention Box Label (Fillable PDF)
- APF-1420.2 - Destruction Box Label (Fillable PDF)
- APF-1420.3 - Records of Retention and Disposal Inventory List (Fillable)
- APM-1420.1 - Records Retention and Disposal Guide for Saskatchewan (Sept 2019)
- AP-1442 - Preservation of School Memorabilia
AP Category : 2000-Learning, Assessment and Instructional Program
- AP-2000 - Instructional Program
- AP-2010 - Class Size
- AP-2100 - Physical Education (updated Oct/24)
- APF-2100.1 - High Risk Activity Consent Form (Fillable PDF)
- APF-2100.2 - Specific High Risk Activity Consent Form (Fillable PDF)
- APF-2100.3 - Informed Parent Consent Agreement for Transportation of Students (Fillable PDF)
- AP-2130 - Outdoor Education
- AP-2200 - Citizenship Education
- AP-2210 - Religious Education
- AP-2215 Sexual Health Education (New Oct/24)
- APA-2215.1 - Sexual Health Education Outcomes (New Oct/24)
- AP-2220 - Parent-Requested Exemptions From Instruction (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2230 - Work-Based Learning Programs
- APF-2230.1 - Work Placement Agreement
- APF-2230.2 - Parental Consent for Community Work Experiences
- APF-2230.3 - Workplace Health and Safety Assessment Summary
- APF-2230.4 - Student and Parent Guardian Contract
- APF-2230.5 - Work Placement Transportation Authorization
- APF-2230.6 - Consent and Waiver of Liability
- APM-2230.1 - Career and Work Exploration Program Handbook
- AP-2240 - Distance Learning (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2250 - Driver Education
- AP-2260 - Additional Language Learning
- AP-2270 - Prekindergarten
- APF-2270.1 - PreKindergarten Application Form
- AP-2280 - Locally Developed Courses, Innovative Programming and Educational Partnerships (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2290 - Kindergarten
- AP-2300 - Students Requiring Intensive Supports (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2330 - Guidance and Career Counseling Program
- AP-2400 - Offsite School Activities
- APF-2400.1 - Proposed in-Province Offsite Activity
- APF-2400.2 - Proposed Out of Province Offsite Activity (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2500 - School Libraries and Resources (updated Oct/24)
- APF-2500.1 - Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources
- AP-2520 - Research Studies
- AP-2530 - Copyright
- AP-2610 - Student Assessment
- AP-2612 - Recording Student Marks
- AP-2614 - Credit Recovery and Credit Extension
- APF-2614.1 - Credit Recovery-Credit Extension Contract (PDF Fillable)
- AP-2620 - School Division Common Assessments
- APF-2620.1 - Assessment Exemption (Fillable PDF)
- AP-2625 - Apprenticeship Credits (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2630 - Special Project and Volunteerism Credit (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2640 - Course Challenge (updated Oct/24)
- AP-2650 - Secondary Final Assessments
- AP-2700 - Home-Based Education
- APA-2700.1 - Home-Based Education Fact Sheet
- APF-2700.1 - Appendix B - Notification of a Home-based Education Program - Ministry of Education Form - Fillable
- APF-2700.1(a) - Student Program Verification
- APF-2700.2 - Educational Plan Template
- APF-2700.2(a) - Educational Plan Template Grades 1 to 9 Exemplar
- APF-2700.2(b) - Educational Plan Template Grades 10 to 12 Exemplar
- APF-2700.3 - Annual Periodic Log Template
- APF-2700.3(a) - Portfolio of Work - Annual Periodic Log
- APF-2700.3(b) - Portfolio of Work - Summative Record
- APA-2700.5 - Rational of Work Sample Exemplar
- APF-2700.5 - Rational of Work Sample Cover Page
AP Category : 3000-Students
- AP-3000 - Admission of Students (updated Oct/24)
- APA-3000.1 - Schedule of International Student Tuition Rates (updated Oct/24)
- APF-3000.1 - International Student Application
- APF-3000.2 - Student Registration Form (Fillable PDF)
- APF-3000.3 - Declaration of Indigenous Ancestry (updated Oct/24)
- AP-3010 - Safe Respectful and Inclusive Environments (updated Oct/24)
- AP-3020 - Student Supervision
- AP-3040 - Student Attendance
- APA-3040.1 - Principal's Report of Irregular Attendance (PDF Fillable)
- APF-3040.1 - Student Attendance Intervention and Support Plan Template (Word fillable)
- APF-3040.2 - Attendance Contact Documentation (Word fillable)
- AP-3050 - Student Records
- APF-3050.1 - Cumulative Record Transfer (Fillable PDF)
- AP-3060 - Student Fees
- APA-3060.1 - Student Fees Schedule
- APF-3060.1 - Student Fees Form
- AP-3100 - Student Conduct (updated Oct/24)
- APA 3100.1 - Letter of Fair Notice
- APF-3100.1 - School-Based Assessment of Risk and Threat Report (Fillable) (updated Jan/25)
- APF-3100.2 - Student Intervention Plan (Fillable)
- AP-3105 - Academic Integrity and Responsibilities
- AP-3110 - Student Conduct on School Buses
- AP-3120 - Student Discipline
- APF-3120.1 - Suspension Letter - Up to Nine Days
- APF-3120.2 - Suspension Letter - Ten Days
- AP-3150 - Damage to Property (updated Oct/24)
- AP-3200 - Student Welfare and Protection Services (updated Oct/24)
- APF-3200.1 - School-Based Child Protection Report (fillable)
- AP-3210 - Young Offender Information Sharing (updated Oct/24)
- AP-3400 - Medical Restrictions and Accommodations
- APF-3400.1 - Medical Restrictions and Accommodations Plan (Word Fillable) (updated Oct/24)
- AP-3410 - Nutrition Services
- APA-3410.2 - Financial Responsibility Guidelines for Serveries
- APF-3410.1 - Servery Operational Plan
- APF-3410.2 - Servery Financial Plan
- AP-3500 - Student Governance
- AP-3505 - Student Clubs and Associations
- AP-3510 - Student Achievement Awards
- APF-3510.1 - Award Sponsored by Group, Business or Individual
- AP-3515 - High School Graduation Ceremonies
AP Category : 4000-Personnel and Human Resources
- AP-4000 - Harassment
- APF-4000.1 - Harassment Complaint (Fillable PDF)
- AP-4001 - Violence Prevention
- AP-4002 - Social Media and Online Posting
- AP-4003 - Employee Code of Conduct
- AP-4005 - Employee Complaints
- AP-4010 - Organizational Structure
- AP-4020 - Personnel Files (updated Oct/24)
- APF-4020.1 - Personnel File Review
- AP-4030 - Recognition of Service
- AP-4040 - Staff Allocations (updated Oct/24)
- AP-4050 - Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search
- APF-4050.1 - Affidavit Respecting Criminal Record
- AP-4060 - Reporting Criminal Charges (updated Oct/24)
- AP-4080 - Loss or Damage to Personal Property
- APF-4080.1 - Claim For Loss of Personal Property
- AP-4100 -Workplace Health and Safety
- APA-4100.1 - Safe Handling of Needles and Syringes
- AP-4110 - Employees Working Alone
- AP-4200 - Performance Growth and Appraisal of Staff
- AP-4230 - PVTA President and Director-Board Liaison (updated Oct/24)
- AP-4330 - CUPE President and Director-Board Liaison (updated Oct/24)
- AP-4520 - Bus Driver Abstract Review Process (updated Oct/24)
- AP-4720 - Interns and Field Experiences
- AP-4800 - Staff Recruitment and Selection
- AP-4850 - Teaching Staff Surplus and Redundancy
AP Category : 5000-Parent and Community Relations
- AP-5000 - Event Protocol
- AP-5010 - Visit Protocol
- AP-5015 - Patriotic Observances
- AP-5030 - Elections
- AP-5100 - Mediation of A Complaint or Grievance
- AP-5200 - Volunteers
- APA-5200.1 - Volunteer Checklist
- APF-5200.1 - Approval for Community Coach
- APF-5200.2 - Volunteer Information
- APF-5200.3 - SHSAA Form E-14 - Declaration for Community Coach
- APM-5200.1 - Volunteer Handbook
- AP-5210 - Media Relations
- AP-5220 - Public Solicitation
AP Category : 6000-Safe and Orderly Environment-Emergency Procedures
- AP-6000 - Emergency School Cancellation
- AP-6010 - Bus Service Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather (updated Oct/24)
- AP-6020 - Injury at School (updated Oct/24)
- AP-6030 - Emergency Water Situations (updated Oct/24)
- AP-6100 - Emergency Readiness, Response and Recovery
- APF-6100.1 - School Safety and Security Review
- APF-6100.2 - School Safety Plan
- APF-6100.3 - School Drill Practice Reporting Form
- APF-6100.5 - School Guest Sign-In Sheet
- AP-6110 - Health and Safety of Students and Staff (updated Oct/24)
- APF-6110.1 - Personal Hygiene Care Protocol (updated Oct/24)
- AP-6120 - Communicable Diseases (updated Oct/24)
- AP-6140 - Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Tobacco-Related Products or Other Drugs
- AP-6150 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion
- APF-6150.1 - Use of Physical Restraint and or Seclusion (Fillable)
- AP-6165 - Service Animals (updated Oct/24)
- APF-6165.1 - Request for a Service Animal (Fillable) (updated Oct/24)
AP Category : 7000-Finance
- AP-7000 - Financial Planning and Management
- APA-7000.1 - Planning and Budgeting Cycle
- AP-7005 - Fraud Prevention, Management and Reporting
- AP-7007 - Accumulated Surplus Reserve
- AP-7010 - Delegated Signing Authority
- APA-7010.1 - Schedule of Delegated Signing Authority
- AP-7100 - Inventory Management
- AP-7120 - Insurance (updated Oct/24)
- APF-7120.1 - School Incident Report Form for Insurance Purposes
- APF-7120.2 - Accident Reimbursement Plan (E)
- APF-7120.2 - Accident Reimbursement Plan (F)
- AP-7210 - Accounting Guidelines
- AP-7220 - Accounting for School Generated Funds
- AP-7221 - Accounting for Nutrition Program Funds
- AP-7300 - Payments
- APA-7300.1 - Presenter Honoraria and Other Recognition
- APA-7300.2 - Elder-Knowledge Keeper-Cultural Advisor Honouraria
- APF-7300.1 - Petty Cash Reimbursement
- APF-7300.3 - Elder-Knowledge Keeper-Cultural Advisor Request Form
- APF-7300.4 - Elder-Knowledge Keeper-Cultural Advisor Payment Confirmation
- APF-7300.5 - Expense Reimbursement - Elder Knowledge Keeper Cultural Advisor
- AP-7301 - Payment of Tuition Fees (updated Oct/24)
- AP-7302 - Purchasing Cards
- APF-7302.1 - Purchasing Card Application-Agreement Form
- APM-7302.2 - Purchasing Card User Guide Manual
- AP-7320 - Reimbursement for Travel and Other Expenses (updated Oct/24)
- APA-7320.1 - Schedule of Employee Travel Rates (updated Oct/24)
- APF-7320.1 - Travel Expense Reimbursement
- APF-7320.1(a) - Department Travel Expense Reimbursement
- APF-7320.2 - Expense Reimbursement
- APF-7320.3 - Extra-curricular Reimbursement Expense Form
- APF-7320.4 - Career and Work Experience Mileage Reimbursement Form
- APF-7320.5 - PPDA - Personal PD Approval and Expense Forms
- APF-7320.6 - PD and Travel Prior Approval and Expense Forms - Education Centre
- APF-7320.6 - PD and Travel Prior Approval and Expense Forms - School-based Staff
- AP-7326 - End of School Year Procedures
- APF-7326.1 - Change in School Administrator
- APF-7326.2 - Annual Budget for School Generated Funds
- AP-7330 - Tendering and Purchasing (updated Oct/24)
- APA-7330.1 - Procurement Thresholds
- APF-7330.1 - Purchase Order
- AP-7340 - Charitable Donations
- AP-7400 - Corporate Sponsorships (updated Oct/24)
- AP-7410 - Fundraising Activities in Schools
- APA-7410.1 - Fundraising Activities in School
- APF-7410.1 - Prior Approval for Fundraising Form
- AP-7500 - External Grants
- APA-7500.1 - A Guide for Preparing External Grant Applications
AP Category : 8000-Transportation Services
- AP-8000 - Transportation Services (updated Oct/24)
- APF-8000.1 - Bus Route Registration Update (Fillable)
- AP-8100 - Special Use of Buses
- APA-8100.1 - Schedule of Rates - Charter Trips (updated Sept/24)
- AP-8110 - School Bus Safety
- AP-8115 - GPS on School Buses
- AP-8120 - School Bus Maintenance and Inspection
- AP-8130 - Staff License Endorsement and School-Based Buses
- APF-8130.1 - Request for School Designated (fillable)
- AP-8200 - Transportation in Private Vehicles
- APF-8200.1 - Authorization to Transport Students in a Private Vehicle (Fillable)
- AP-8210 - Parent Responsibilities for Student Transportation
- AP-8220 - Parent Transportation Allowance (updated Oct/24)
- APA-8220.1 - Schedule of Parent Transportation Rates (updated Oct/24)
- APF-8220.1 - Parent Transportation Allowance Application (fillable)
- APF-8220.2 - Parent Transportation in Lieu of Busing (fillable) (updated Oct/24)
- AP-8300 - Division Vehicles
- AP-8400 - Transportation Support Services to First Nations
AP Category : 9000-Facilities
- AP-9000 - Facilities Planning, Operations and Maintenance
- AP-9010 - Naming of Schools, Buildings, Grounds and Rooms
- AP-9030 - Community Use of Facilities or Grounds
- APA-9030.1 - Schedule of Fees for Facility or Grounds Use
- APF-9030.1 - Application and Authorization for Facility or Grounds Use (updated Sept/24)
- APF-9030.2 - Community Use of Facilities Quarterly Report
- APF-9030.3 - Application for Use of PVSD Owned Sports Equipment
- AP-9040 - Playgrounds and Grounds Development (updated Oct/24)
- AP-9100 - Building Security, Theft and Vandalism
- AP-9300 - Lease of Mineral Rights